Please Note: Our office will be closed for staff training on Friday, May 17th and Friday, May 31st.

alarm-ringing ambulance angle2 archive arrow-down arrow-left arrow-right arrow-up at-sign baby baby2 bag binoculars book-open book2 bookmark2 bubble calendar-check calendar-empty camera2 cart chart-growth check chevron-down chevron-left chevron-right chevron-up circle-minus circle city clapboard-play clipboard-empty clipboard-text clock clock2 cloud-download cloud-windy cloud clubs cog cross crown cube youtube diamond4 diamonds drop-crossed drop2 earth ellipsis envelope-open envelope exclamation eye-dropper eye facebook file-empty fire flag2 flare foursquare gift glasses google graph hammer-wrench heart-pulse heart home instagram joystick lamp layers lifebuoy link linkedin list lock magic-wand map-marker map medal-empty menu microscope minus moon mustache-glasses paper-plane paperclip papers pen pencil pie-chart pinterest plus-circle plus power printer pushpin question rain reading receipt recycle reminder sad shield-check smartphone smile soccer spades speed-medium spotlights star-empty star-half star store sun-glasses sun tag telephone thumbs-down thumbs-up tree tumblr twitter tiktok wechat user users wheelchair write yelp youtube

COVID-19 Policy Update

Based on recommendations by the Center for Disease Control and the North Carolina Board of Optometry we will postpone any routine eye care or wellness visits until April 6th, 2020.  Please note the following changes to our office based on current COVID-19 recommendations:

  • We are still able to fill contact lens orders and ship them to your home with no shipping fees. This is most easily processed by calling our office to place your order.
  • If you are scheduled for a routine visit before April 6, 2020 our staff will contact you to reschedule your appointment
  • If you are currently using an eye drop for ongoing care and need a refill please call our office and we can refill your prescription electronically to the pharmacy of your choice
  • In some cases we are able to see patients without coming into the office with Duo or Zoom apps. Please be prepared to download either of these applications on your smartphone or computer
  • Any eye emergencies need to call our office immediately. We are still able to see patients in an emergency situation and recommend calling our office before going to urgent care or the emergency room.
  • Regardless of your eye situation please let us know if you or any of your immediate contacts have COVID-19 symptoms or have been exposed to the virus as to best protect our team and other patients if an in person visit is needed

The Center for Disease control has ongoing updates and recommendations concerning COVID-19 for both patients and providers on their website. We are taking every precaution to ensure the safety of our patients, staff, and doctors and appreciate your cooperation and understanding with us during this time.

Our office has served Haywood County as a small business since 1955 and we look forward to overcoming this as a community and nation. We appreciate your continued support and business. If there is anything we can do to better serve you please let us know.


Drs. McBride and Pinkston

(828) 456-8361